
Graphic design

Graphic design, also known as communication design, is the planning of ideas and experiences with visual and textual content. In visual communication we can express our ideas and goals using various graphic tools. We use pictures, symbols or even words to solve problems or achieve certain goals. We use pictures, symbols or even words to solve problems or achieve certain goals. All these elements are summarized in a creative and systematic plan. 

Design is everywhere, from waking up in the morning when we start drinking our first coffee, to credit cards in our wallets! Instead of the target group following us from one source, we now have many target groups reaching us from several channels at the same time. Combining communication and creativity, we mix your brand attitude and aesthetic concerns and help you build the perfect communication with your target audience. Communicate in the visual system with attitude; we are here to help you.

Letter K, Golden Arches, Bitten Apple - although symbolism is often the first element of branding that comes to mind, it’s just one aspect. Consider what a potential customer might see when doing business with you - signage, front desk, vehicle graphics, uniforms, carrying bags, invoices, bills, social media profiles, all the way to the style of photography and letters used in your marketing literature. The design of these items should reflect the quality of what you are selling, otherwise there is a dissonance between what people see and the impression you want to leave. A thoughtfully designed visual identity is an investment that, in combination with an excellent product or service, pays off year after year and plays an important role in helping to turn potential customers into loyal customers. If you are looking for help with the design, redesign or refinement of your visual branding, please contact us with confidence.

One of the rules of business communication is that every company should have its own original memorandum. The memorandum consists of an upper header with the logo, company name, bank account, tax and registration number. The header below contains more detailed information about the company itself. With this "sheet of paper" we present ourselves in business correspondence.
Memorandum se sastoji od gornjeg zaglavlja s logotipom, nazivom tvrtke, bankovnim računom, poreznim i registracijskim brojem. Donje zaglavlje sadrži adresu tvrtke, telefonski broj, e-adresu i web mjesto. Srednji odjeljak memoranduma može sadržavati logotip vodenog žiga vaše tvrtke. Stoga su tiskanice standardni papir veličine A4, koji sadrži osnovne podatke vaše tvrtke.

A business card is a short form of your business communication with customers. It is generally accepted that a business card is the first presentation of your company to prospective customers and therefore must be professional and efficient. Business card design can be simple, serious and sophisticated or innovative and creative. With your ideas and instructions, and our professionalism, we create business cards that will attract customers to your business.

A catalog is a graphic design product that presents your products or services to potential customers. When designing a catalog, the most important thing is to establish harmony between text, images and colors. This is because catalog design prepares a company presentation for print and online edition. The catalog describes your entire line of products or services you offer to your customers and should be designed to the highest standards.

A catalog is a graphic design product that presents your products or services to potential customers. When designing a catalog, the most important thing is to establish harmony between text, images and colors. This is because catalog design prepares a company presentation for print and online edition. The catalog describes your entire line of products or services you offer to your customers and should be designed to the highest standards.

It involves elaborating the final solution down to precisely defined details in a manual we call a book of graphic standards. It also includes the application of the chosen solution in different situations. A book or manual of graphic standards is used to implement the identity of the company using precisely defined rules for the application of elements of visual presentation for each presumed case.

Banners have long been the most popular means of online advertising. They engage ads in the form of static images or animations. Their goal is to intrigue visitors and offer additional links to your website. Banner design plays a significant role in the communication process and is the first visual representation of your business to potential customers.
Internet oglašavanje putem bannera siguran je način povećanja prodaje.

Njihova je svrha višestruka:
• Povećati dobit od prodaje proizvoda ili usluga,
• Obavijestite ciljanu publiku o svojim novim proizvodima, uslugama ili posebnim ponudama ili
• Svrhe brendiranja, na pr. natjerajte ljude da zapamte ime vaše tvrtke

Učinkovit banner može privući posjetitelje i povećati broj posjeta vašoj web stranici. Dizajn bannera igra značajnu ulogu u ovom procesu i prvi je vizualni prikaz vašeg poslovanja potencijalnim klijentima.

Dvije su osnovne vrste reklamnih bannera:
• Statički natpisi (obično s JPG ili GIF nastavkom) i
• Animirani natpisi (GIF format)

Make posters a reflection of your business. A creative concept can generate an impressive message that further translates into interactions. All we see around us are posters in the streets. Some certainly don't even notice them anymore, while others are intrigued to find out what the poster is about.

Billboards are seen by a lot of people; they communicate visually and make the space more dynamic, conveying a powerful message to the viewer. Billboard advertising is a large space for outdoor advertising aimed at attracting the attention of passers-by. It is usually placed in busy areas, near traffic routes and highways, or more recently in side and pedestrian zones.

A decent menu design that connects with delicious food prepared in your restaurant or cafe kitchen. If the eyes say yes, our job is done. As for restaurants and cafes, the menu is a presentation of the food and drinks on offer. Templates and layout colors, description of menu items, whether formal or informal, should match the concept and atmosphere of the restaurant.

• Label design
• Book cover design
• T-Shirt-Design
• Short animation design
• Greeting card design
• Calendar design